Tuesday, June 9

Breast Cancer Brawl

Well, as I start finishing my Agenda, I'm turning my sights to Breast Cancer Brawl weekend.

And I have no idea what I want to play/paint. Absolutely none. I want to avoid Cryx & Skorne - both I play and the latter is hellish to paint all at once. I also want relatively few models to paint up, as the time crunch is an issue. Ease of painting is too. $$ isn't a factor.

Based on the above information and my obsession with a certain list dubbed "Amon Surprise", I think I'll end up running Amon. Any hints besides what I read (aka not to take him)?

Sidenote: "Amon Surpise" was a running gag that I mentioned one day at a local tournament that my meta states over and over. Conversation went like this:
"What list are you running?"
"Amon Surprise"
"Wait...that's not Amon! That's [insert any other warcaster name here] !"

It originally came from a cover of Archie & Jughead, but that's another story.


Anonymous said...

What point level are you looking at? A lot of folks swear by Amon with a swarm of Lights, but personally I love that you can take three Crusaders with him at 350 pts...

Al said...

I'm looking to build 350, 500, and 750. I'm probably not going to auction the army off this year (run with it in Mk II format with my Cryx). I'll be working on Theorymachine after my group plays tomorrow.

45caliberidea said...

With Amon, it's always a surprise. :P