Thursday, December 30

Further Hardcore List Discussion

I feel the need to further describe the list I'm planning to take for Templecon's Hardcore. This is also more of a way for me to identify weaknesses and how to tactically plan my kills.

The list that I will be trying tonight is:

75 Pt T4 Xerxis:
Max Cetrati
2x Min Arcuarii
2x Flayer Cannon
Max Reivers + UA
Tyrant Commander

List Building/Initial Thoughts
When I first looked at the Xerxis tier restrictions and benefits, the one single benefit that stood out to me was the T3 weapon platform AD. In theory, having the Ven Catapult and Ven Flayer Cannons AD is a huge boon - no requirement to move and you can initiate Xerxis assault early. This complimented to me the slower speed of the Cetrati & Arcuarii. There is an element of unpredictability with the platforms - Catapult's Inaccurate and the Flayer's Strafe all rely on decent dice rolling. But in knowing this, I can plan for the inconsistancy of dice rolling to my benefit.

First, Strafe needs to deal with a single target. If I kill more with models, it's a boon, but I cannot rely on the Flayer to give me more than one shot. Based on that principle, I decided that taking two would be advantageous. Rely on 1 shot a piece, decent RAT, and if I get more it's gravy.

Second, Inaccurate would be a pain to deal with, unless the model is stationary or knocked down. Xerxis has that capability, but so does the Gladiator or Bronzeback, both which fit the tier nicely. Additionally, I can still try to kill Stealthed models. At a 4" AOE, I might have a better chance of clipping the model. Might, but Stealthed solos would be a problem.

So the list forms - Xerxis, 2 Flayers, and 1 Catapult.

Next I needed to fill up to T3, so I grabbed Cetrati and Arcuarii, max and min respectively. In my experience, Cetrati need the bodies. They're great targets for ranged and having more around gives you more screeners for Xerxis. Arcuarii are excellent shock troops. The speed issue is mitigated with the harpoon and Drag ability, bringing the model in to hit. RAT is not great, so expect to get only two attacks (two-man CRA's). But at 5 points, it's pretty awesome.

To offset speed issues, I picked up the support of a Tyrant Commander. This also offsets terrain issues for me as well. Arcuarii in the woods? Yes please.

To round out my ranged aspect and make the most of Xerxis' abilities, I picked up the Reivers + UA for more consistent ranged attacks. The Arcuarii RNG is too low for me to rely on, and there's too much relying on good dice rolling with the Flayers and Catapult. The UA gives me increased RNG for a turn, giving me an earlier alpha strike and Reform is just amazing with the Venators. Especially since I can move them back behind the Cetrati or out of LOS. With the Tyrant Commander or Xerxis, they have a potential threat range of 24".

I had ways to take out infantry (Reivers, Flayer, Catapult), but minimal heavy hitting units. That's when I turned to the warbeasts. I picked the Sentry to block charge lanes and to lead the initial assault. The Sentry has saved my ass way too many times and has disrupted my opponent's game too often for me to drop him simply because of the low MAT. Locker once held up 2 Buccies and 2 Freebooters and thanks to a wall, they couldn't escape. Additionally, the Sentry is a beast with Defenders Ward and throwing him into the middle of the opponent's army makes it that much more entertaining.

 The Cannoneer was added to give a boostable (& therefore more reliable) ranged attack. He's also a beatstick and the animus is tough to get around - Cetrati, Xerxis, and Sentry benefit greatly (overkill), but it could add the means of the Arcuarii surviving better.

The Gladiator I picked up to give extra movement. I found that I REALLY wanted 2" at times and Pathfinder. He's cheap, reliable, and heavy hitting. Slams will knock down models, meaning juicy targets for the Catapult. He's the Tyrant Commander of the titans for me.

However, at three warbeasts, fury was now becoming a problem. Maxing out a unit of PGBH allows me to sacrifice some or take losses without fury mitigation reduction worries. PGBH can also help clear out tarpit units that the Cetrati might end up in.

The last piece of warbeast support was the Bronzeback. Offensive beatstick that will not be committed until the second wave. I can now load all the other titans up on fury and never have them frenzy. Granting Beatback to someone like the Sentry or Gladiator after a follow up is really nice.

Finally, I picked a second unit of Arcuarii. Using these as moving shock troopers, I can throw them in waves and add a survivability factor. Maxing the original unit was an option, but it decreases mobility for me (especially trying to get through woods).

Missing the Extoller, Drake, Shaman, and Vorkesh. Extoller & Drake would help with Stealth and all four would help add a magical attack aspect ot the list, especially Vorkesh. I can take Vorkesh in Xerxis' tier, where he's most important. The tiers give me more options for Defender's Ward, so the Cetrati can forgo the spell. Incorporeal models are going to give me a really hard time.

Speed is mitigated but not fully addressed. Tyrant Commander, Xerxis, and Gladiator all help, but it is the benefits of the tiers that address the issue. AD weapon platforms and Advance Move titans help me a little more, but not fully or in late game.

Finally, I am going to have to keep an eye out on fury management. PGBH and Bronzeback help A LOT, but once those support pieces go down, I'm going to have to worry about frenzying. Hopefully I'll have thrown the beasts in the middle of the army so it's not my own. I will need to plan "beneficial" frenzying.

Not a lot of units to roll the dice or move. I have CRA's and CMA's to reduce time affecting combat situations. Lower model count gives me ample time to move my pieces.

Surprise. Xerxis does provide a lot of surprise. Cast Fury on one unit of Arcuarii, Defender's Ward on another and watch them go. Feat turn? Charge with the Reivers if targets are not available. Bronzeback's counter charge and hyper aggression give me an element to unbalance the enemy. Beatback with the Gladiator's follow-up? There is also Xerxis' Inhospitable Ground, should I need it. And I cannot forget the Tyrant and Standard. Both have weapons and are extremely useful in combat.

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