Thursday, December 23

Well it's been months, so....

Due to personal life issues, including but not limited to, being married, moving half way across the United States, and several business trips & other guests coming to visit my wife and I, I have been mostly out of the loop. I was able to attend Gencon for a day (which I will never do again) and I was able to find several stores to play at with a thriving community. Perhaps the saddest scenario was when one of the stores, with a budding new Warmahordes community, closed down abruptly. There was also a tinge of burnout.

However, I now find myself suddenly traveling from Texas to RI for Templecon. This late in the game, most of the events are full so we will play by ear. However, most of the events do not interest me so I challenged myself to compete in the EXTREME HARDCORE. Which means I need to get off my ass and paint.

Having gravitated away from Cryx over the last year, I find myself with Mercenaries or Skorne. I'm sticking with Skorne and I'm looking to run this:
Xerxis T4
Min Paingivers
Max Cetrati
Min Arcuarii
Tyrant Commander
Max Reivers + UA
2x Flayer Cannon

I have a few points left over and I can toy around with adding a second unit of min Arcuarii & fill out the Paingivers or fill out the Arcuarii to max and take either a 2nd Tyrant or 2nd Catapult. I suspect that I'm not going to win many games, especially those with high attrition. I did have trouble with Shae, although the Venators helped tremendously (and thus the Flayer). Incorporeal models are going to be a pain and Circle might be a hassle without Vorkesh (yes I am looking forward to the Cetrartii UA).

Therefore, while my goal is always to win, realistically its how many models I can bring down and how fast I can get the kill. The AD weapon crew and the reform & extended range of the venators I think is going to help this one out (especially with a Tyrant's +2" to move). A well placed slam or throw from the Bronzeback or Gladiator will go a long way too. Drag is going to be especially important, to draw LOS. Because of these different factors, I am leaning towards either the 2nd unit of Arcuarii or 2nd Catapult.

Of course, if I find people to donate models, I might do Zaal's Tier list of Immortal/AG of doom.


45caliberidea said...

Wow, didn't know you were going to go HARDCORE! Good luck with your prep.

I'm also interested to hear how your travels back from GenCon went.


Al said...

It was accidental really. I just signed up and most of the events are alredy booked. I figured I have to do something to make my trip worthwhile, so Hardcore it is.

I'll play it by ear among the others, but there's really no prep for me at this hour.