Wednesday, February 16

I'm crying Zaal's Tiers

The correct title should read I'm Crying Zaal's Tiers (and non-theme eMakeda too), but the pun would be lost. It is quite a busy month and half. Area 51 is hosting a 2nd Tues of the month tournament (fast play, 25-35 pts only). And now there is a 35 point SR 2011 up in Plano that I must focus my attention on.

I'll keep on playing Skorne for now, although I'm half-tempted to try to assemble the Mercs I'll be using for NJ Civil War (South) theater, when I'm back in NJ.

The warlocks? It falls on Zaal's Tier 3 and either Xerxis or eMakeda.

Zaal at Tier 3 is not terrible. First, Hakaar is a beat stick and Ancestrals with AD is a pretty good use of early Kovass. Second, three souls on the extollers? Including Marketh? That's amazing! Tier 4 at 35 is a bit of a stretch, due to lack of souls available (two units of Immortals) but I would run it at 50 in a heart beat.

The Zaal list I'm playing around with is:
Ancestral Guardian
2x Extoller Soulwards
Max Praetorians
Min Karax

Praetorians are there to throw away as well as the Karax. Just run them up, forget about Shield Wall. Should any live, woe be the opponents day as one unit starts with Last Stand, then using Marketh jump it to a second unit (maybe after Zaal activates for feat). Ancestral is up there and hopefully a Kovaas will pop out. There's also enough bodies and beasts for board control.

As for eMakeda, I would love to make work with two Drakes but alas, I do not own two. I could remedy it by buying a 2nd but I am buying models for the NJ event...

Max Arcuarii
Tyrant Commander & Standard
Min Reivers + UA
2x Void Spirits
Orin Midwinter
Saxxon Orrik

Arcuarii are useful to destroy heavily armored things (weapon master) and open up charge lanes. Rhinodon has speed that the Gladiator lacks and the Drake is amazing with Leash. I find that Marketh is not as useful at this level assuming you are not taking Hakaar or Praetorians for souls. Tyrant Commander adds a magical attack, as does Orin. Orin gives me prudent board control, while Orrik is another pathfinder source and important AD. The list is extremely aggressive, forcing a devestating Reiver attack at turn two, followed up by Arcuarii. Woe be to the unprotected warcaster/warlock as a 10" move + 16" range Reiver CRA is no laughing matter (full CRA means I'm looking at RAT 13 POW 17 attack), with 3" reform. Arcuarii follow up and pop feat for the Void Spirits. Void Spirits need to hide behind the front ranks, less a magical attack hits them.

Xerxis would be some form of list. There's a few non-Tier combinations I would like to try. Marketh might be in some, but I'm looking more at Drake/Krea/Molik Karn, min Cetrati, Reivers and the like.

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