Thursday, February 10

Where to Go From Here

I spent the better part of the weekend taking a nice hard look at my Skorne army and analyzing the warlocks I would love to consistantly play and what kind of force composition I would love to try with them. This reflection came about from 10 hours spent in Dallas - Lovefield Airport on Friday, Feb 4th as well as in the evening, as I lay in bed, trying not to think how disappointed I was with the city of Dallas, on a whole, for my botched attempt to get myself into Providence, RI for Templecon.

I own all the warlocks except Primal Makeda, who I just never really got into. I aim to play Mordikaar and Zaal more now and I am now rounding out my finesse with epic Makeda. My playstyle is such that I enjoy fielding units/models that are normally considered subpar and finding competitive "niches" for them, balanced with general utility for all-comers lists. Unfortunately this means my woefully inadequate Skorne army needs to be broadened.

To give some background, I either gave away, sold, or trashed most of my Skorne models during the move from New Jersey to Texas. When I unpacked and catalogued the model count, I was left with an 8-man unit of Venator Reivers, min Ferox unit, two Void Spirits, two Extollers, an Agonizer, three Ancestral Guardians, min Pain Givers, and most of the warlocks. I had every warbeast except the Worm. I also had a quite a few minion units - seven Farrow Brigands, min Gatormen, Orin Midwinter, Saxon Orrick, Swamp Gobbers and a Totem Hunter. Despite the limitations, I was able to coble a pretty effective pMorghoul list, which tied for first once (with Apollo's pMorghoul) and won the Hordes Mk II release tournament.

I then jumped onto the Xerxis wagon. I have tried Xerxis' tier list which provided me with an appreciation for the Titan Sentry and the Skorne Catapult. I was really gung-ho about the Flayer Cannon, but now in practice, I find it suffers a similar fate as the Cygnar Trencher Chain Gun. Also, once you get out of the mentality that Arcuarii are ranged models first, the price point for them is pretty amazing given their combat prowress and stats. The more I played Cetrati, the more I dislike them. Xerxis himself continues to be a favorite of mine and with his abilities I still see potential for him in Hardcore formats. I probably would not try his tier list again on a National Setting (although I did never get to try it out).

So now, having finished Xerxis, I am looking hard at eMakeda and Zaal. I'm thinking with eMakeda a min unit of Bloodrunners might be very effective, especially on an early feat turn. A Drake paired with a Gladiator gives me a surprising amount of speed and ranged spray. PGBH's are not necessary and I might just take a min unit. Min unit of Reivers with the UA gives me decent ranged firepower. Marketh is almost not necessary with her. Sure Leash is great not to upkeep, but he's back far enough that I don't need him. I actually approve of an Extoller and Hakaar. Saxon Orrik OR Tyrant Commander rounds out the list for Pathfinder and Orin Midwinter for anti-magic support. I have to play around with what I want at 35 and 50. At 50, I might a full unit of Ferox with Rhadeem for crazy threat ranges, replace the Bloodrunners with Nihilators, throw in a second Drake and maybe take Immortals.

Zaal on the other hand I am looking at Tiers again. I also feel that the much maligned Ancestral Guardian does work especially well for Zaal. Discounting his transfer ability to them, Zaal can also spend a fury to give each AG, including Hakaar, a soul token. I'm looking at Immortals and a cheap living unit (I'm thinking Karax). Where I get flustered with Zaal is in picking the right beasts. Part of me wants to take a Savage for the good old days, part of me wants a Sentry, and part of me wants Molik Karn. I have time to try them all fortunately. It does mean though that asides my recent Immortal acquisition that I will need to pick up Bloodrunners, rebuy Nihilators (since I sold my unopened box), and find Rhadeem. Oh, and a second Drake. Which is unfortunate, since I really don't want to spend more money.

Anyone want Cryx? I'm looking for Skorne. :)

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